


1.結構不平行例:I was able to raise my TOEFL score by studying hard and I read lots of books. 當使用連詞將一系列的單字聯接起來的時候,應當使用詞性相同或同一類型的片語。


2.不知所云例:Many companies began using computers mouth.


3.段落過長,不分段,主語與動詞一致問題She are a good friend of mine that I has known for a long time. 主語和動詞在數方面不一致。


4.句子彆扭We heated the soup in the microwave for too long and the shape of the container changed. 措辭過長或不清。換言之,句子顯得滑稽可笑。


5.不要使用縮寫在正式的寫作中不要使用縮寫形式(can"t,don"t,it"s,we"ll,they"ve等等) ,而應當使用單詞的完整形式(cannot,do not ,it is,we will,they have等等)。


6.關聯詞語重複Since I want to go to a good school,therefore I am trying to raise my test scores. 不能在該句的主要主語和主要動詞前使用連詞。


7.句子不完整Many students have a hard time passing all the tests to get into college. For example, my friend in high school. 句子沒有主要主語或主要動詞,因為其實它應是一個從句。這是一個非常常見的錯誤,修改的方法是將兩個句子連接起來。


8.不要使用get  When I got home, I got tired, so I got a book and got into bed. Get太不正式,意思也過於含糊,不適合用在正式的場合。應將get改為一個更加具​​體的單詞,如become, receive, find, achieve, 等等。


9.書寫難以辨認,信息不正確I would like to study in America because all modern technology originated there. 傳的信息不正確,或者讓人聽起來覺得可能不正確(如果確實是正確的,應當解釋為什麼這樣,因為讀者不認為是正確的)。上述例句中,all的意思是百分之百;我們不能絕對地說每一件新東西都是從美國誕生的。為保險起見,應當使用many或most.非英語單詞Computers are very helpful and advantageable. 儘管看起來像個單詞,其實不是,至少不是個英文單詞。使用這個單詞的另一種形式。


10.介詞多餘I would like to discuss about something important that you mentioned about to me during yesterday. ​​We went to downtown yesterday to buy a watch. When I first came to the US, I did not have a lot of friends in here. In class, my classmate never mentioned about her husband. 在表示這種意思時此單詞不能與介詞連用。這種情況常見於downtown,home,there,here等詞。這些詞語在英語中是副詞而非名詞,因而不能在它們前面添加介詞。

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