1.A選項。選項中Plate motion與文章第二段第一句矛盾,直接排除;
None of these volcanoes was formed as a result of collisions between plates of the Martian crust-there is no plate motion on Mars.
2.D選項。根據文章第五段第二句,科學家能夠估計火山的年齡,與選項中Cannot yet reliably estimate the age矛盾,排除;
Age estimates ranging from four billion years for Mars's southern highlands to a few hundred million years in the youngest volcanic areas were obtained in this way.
3.E選項。選項中中的...Similar to condition just below the surface of the Moon, 與第六段四五句矛盾,直接刪除。 The ejecta surrounding the lunar crater is just what one would expect from an explosion ejecting a large volume of dust, soil, and boulders. However, the ejecta on Mars gives the distinct impression of a liquid that has splashed or flowed out of crater.
2.C選項。 kept special privileges 與文中表述的逐漸落寞相反,排除;
3.D選項。 ordinary people 是否付得起這層意思沒有原文依據,屬於無中生有。