
1.持某觀點claim ( contendreckon share the belief that )

2.支持某觀點advocate (maintainvote forside with be in favor of )

3.反對某觀點contradict (criticizebe against cast doubts on )

4.合理的justified ( sensible feasible convincinghold waterbear much analysis)

5.好處advantage (benefit,merit,positive side)

6.弊端disadvantage( defect,demerit,negative side)

7.肯定undoubtedly (indeedundeniablythere is no denying that)

8.不確定be likely to ( potentially presumably)

9.重要的essential (significant,vital,crucial,critical,fundamental,indispensable)

10.有益的beneficial (conducive instrumental )

11.有害的 detrimental (harmfulvirulent)

12.有爭議的controversial (disputable,contentious)

13.普遍的widespread ( prevalent,universal)

14.顯著地considerably (significantly,remarkably,dramatically,tremendously,substantially)

15.明顯的 evident (apparent,manifest)

16.增強 enhance (strengthen intensify)

17.減少decline (descend,collapse,relieve)


19.趨勢 trend(tendency,inclination)

20.預見 predict (expect,project)

21.帶來 bring about (result in,lead to)

22.引起create (spark ; yield;; give rise to)

23.建立 establish (found,institute)

24.要求 call for (request,demand)

25.去除 eliminate(remove,eradicate)

26.探討 explore (examine,identify)

27.描繪 depict (portray,illustrate)

28.後果 consequence( aftermath; outcome)

29.足夠 adequate (enough; sufficient)

30.解決 tackle ( resolve,address)

31.意識 awareness(consciousness)

32.控制 curb ( regulate,censor)

33.解釋 account for ( be responsible for)

34.投資 finance (invest in,subsidize)

35.緩解 relieve ( ease,alleviate)

36.壓力 stress ( pressure,strain)

37.和諧 harmony ( concordance)

38.繼承 inherit (hand down)

39.培養 cultivate (train,foster)

40.促進promote ( contribute to,upgrade)

41.適應adapt to (adjust to,acclimate to)

42.提供 provide (render,afford)

43.替代replace (substitute,take the place of)

44.保護 preserve (protect)

45.證據 evidence (proof)

46.贏得 gain (acquire,attain)

47.國外的 foreign( alien,exotic)

48.災難disaster (misfortune,catastrophe)

49.發展 advance (progress)

50.傾向於tend to ( be inclined to,be apt to)

51.吸引 attract (allure,tempt)

52.專注的be absorbed in(be immersed in,devote oneself to)

53.目的是aim at ( The purpose is )

54.實現 achieve (fulfill,implement)

55.危害 endanger ( threaten; jeopardize)

56.損害 undermine (impair,damage)

57.阻礙 hinder (obstruct,impede)

58.禁止 forbid (ban,prohibit)

59.責備 blame( denounce,criticize)

60.污染 pollute (contaminate,stain)

61.腐蝕 erode(wear away,corrode)

62.欺騙 deceive (cheat,defraud)

63.衝突 conflict ( shock,tension)

64.驅​​使 prompt (spur,incite)


66.自私的self-centered (selfish,inconsiderate)

67.體諒的considerate (understanding,sympathetic)

68.冷漠的indifferent (apathetic,aloof)

69.奢侈的wasteful (luxurious,extravagant)

70.殘忍的 inhumane(brutal,barbaric)


72.過分的excessive (extravagant,exorbitant)

73.激烈的 intense (fierce,vigorous)

74.嚴厲的 stringent (rigorous,rigid)

75.奇怪的 eccentric (odd,peculiar)


77.驚人的extraordinary (marvelous,spectacular)


79.固有的 inherent(nature,innate)

80.穩定的 steady (stable,constant)

81.惡化 worsen (aggravate,deteriorate)

82.誇大 exaggerate ( overstate)

83.限制 restrain (constrain,confine)

84.拆除 tear down(knock down,pull down)

85.加速accelerate (speed up,precipitate)

86.佔優勢 predominate (dominate)

87.分辨distinguish (differentiate,discern)

88.抵消 counteract (offset,cancel out)

89.開展 launch (conduct,carry out)

90.頒布 enact (enforce,promulgate )

91.生活節奏pace of life(rhythm of life,tempo of life)

92.影響 influence(effect,impact)

93.差異 difference (distinction,gap)

94.交流 communicate(exchange,associate)

95.接觸have access to (make contact with,keep in touch with)

96.優先give priority to (put…into first place)

97.節約 economize ( conserve,cherish)

98.參與participate in ( take part in,engage in)

99.措施 measure (step,action)

100.注意beware ( prevent,guard against)


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