




I. 時間:大約20分鐘

II. 題數:6 Tasks

III. 考試題型


toefl speaking




I.  Independent Tasks Part 1

(1) 準備時間:15秒

(2) 回答時間:45秒

(3) 常見考題類型

  • Stating Opinions Question
  • Giving Advice Question
  • Personal Experience Question
  • Choices Question

 (4) 範例

◆ Do you think the government should legislate laws to fine people who use phones when crossing roads and intersections?

◆ Your friend is studying engineering and has room for one extra course in her schedule. What type of course would you recommend she take and why?

◆ What kind of friends do you like? Tell the main reason.

◆ Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer.

◆ What characteristics do you think make someone a good parent? Explain why these characteristics are important to you.


II.  Independent Tasks Part 2

(1) 準備時間:15秒

(2) 回答時間:45秒

(3) 常見考題類型

  • Preference Question
  • Agree or Disagree Question
  • Description or explanation Question

(4) 範例

◆ Many people think that students study course materials more effectively by taking exams, while others think that students learn more effectively through doing other activities like completion projects, which one do you think is more effective?

◆ Some people prefer to watch entertainment programs on TV. Others prefer to watch educational programs. Which do you prefer?

◆ Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Why or why not? Use details and examples to explain your answer. It is more important to study math or science than it is to study art or literature.

◆ Do you agree or disagree with the development of technology and the Internet, libraries will disappear, while others think libraries are always necessary. Which opinion do you agree?

◆ Some people believe it’s essential for a person’s education to learn to play a musical instrument. Others don’t believe music education is important. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.


toefl speaking


III. Integrated Tasks Part 1

(1) 準備時間:30秒

(2) 回答時間:60秒

(3) 常見考題類型


  • 與校園相關的議題
  • 約75-100字
  • 45-50秒閱讀時間
  • 平均會提到2個問題






聽力(conversation 類型)

  • 大約60-80秒
  • 談話者會針對閱讀出現的議題做出同意或不同意的表態。(通常是與閱讀內容相反的意見、順序不定)

(4) 回答重點:托福口說第三大題問題要求通常是去概述談話者對於這個議題的意見。

◆ 問題舉例: The man expresses his opinion about the science seminar. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.


IV. Integrated Tasks Part 2

(1) 準備時間:30秒

(2) 回答時間:60秒

(3) 常見考題類型


  • 介紹與學術相關主題
  • 主題可能有文學、商業、歷史、藝術、生物等
  • 約100-120字
  • 45-50秒閱讀時間







(lecture or conversation類型)

  • 大約100-120秒
  • professor針對閱讀內容舉例並闡述

(4) 回答重點:結合閱讀和聽力內容說明該學術主題。

◆ 問題舉例:Explain XXX and how the example used by the professor the concept.


V. Integrated Tasks Part 3

(1) 準備時間:20秒

(2) 回答時間:60秒

(3) 常見考題類型

聽力(conversation 類型)

  • 大約60-120秒
  • 校園議題

(4) 回答重點:對該校園議題做概述與解釋個人認為哪種方式是最好的處理辦法。

◆ 問題舉例:Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.


VI. Integrated Tasks Part 4

(1) 準備時間:20秒

(2) 回答時間:60秒

(3) 常見考題類型


  • 大約120秒以上
  • 學術主題人文或科學

(4) 回答重點:從聽力中找出與學術主題相關的重點與例子,並且找出其中關連性,重新組織成回答內容。

◆ 問題舉例:Using points and examples, describe what …..






I. 單字、文法和句型的熟悉


在準備TOEFL Speaking 這個部分,並不用特別要求自己一定要用多高深的單字或是多複雜的文法,關鍵是:

◆ 用字正確並明確清楚地表達含意

◆ 熟練地變化名詞、動詞或句型增加豐富度

◆ 文法不要出現基本錯誤

◆ 可以用一些美國口說慣用語輔助

◆ 可以準備一些常用句型加快準備答案的速度


II. 發音、語調正確與流暢度


這部分也是TOEFL Speaking評分的關鍵之一,因此這邊的重點是:

◆ 盡可能使用美國腔和發音習慣吧(想想托福是誰設計、評分的吧…)

◆ 說話的停頓點要正確,讓語意能完整表達

◆ 稍微有點語氣起伏會讓口說更加自然

◆ 不要出現過多的mn…這類型的停頓思考的情況

◆ 保持適當的語速,過慢會表達得太少,而過快則可能導致聽不懂或錯誤表達的情況


III. 清楚的邏輯架構



◆ 開頭明確地主題句開門見山地表達意見,之後就可以從答案的主題開始衍生解釋分析,最後一句在重新點題。

◆ 關於個人意見的題型,建議要找2個以上的理由或是例子加以佐證。

◆ 多用邏輯相關詞彙讓內容條理清晰,e.g. in addition, for example, although, however, but, in spite of, thus, because, therefore….

◆ 英文口說也是英文寫作的另一種呈現方式,因此可以預先寫下自己的回答去調整修改,相近的題目可以改些主題套用內容。

◆ 強化自己的組織訊息能力,因為在托福口說整合題型上,你會接收從閱讀或聽力接收到許多資訊,如何去蕪存菁組織回答就需要不斷地練習。


IV. 英文聽力、閱讀能力也是影響得分的關鍵



◆ 筆記要有條理,讓自己可以快速區分題目、說話者、談話內容順序、性質等。

◆ 不要想寫下所有的聽力內容,因為基本上是不可能的,重點是別讓抄寫影響到聽力理解,這是大忌。

◆ 字要怎麼寫沒有要求,只求你自己看得懂、寫得快就好,所以愛怎麼縮寫怎麼來。

◆ 托福口說的聽力部分平均約兩分鐘,形式有conversation和lecture,所以可以試著用相同長度的聽力內容為筆記聽寫的訓練。

◆ 托福口說筆記只要記下聽力或閱讀的重點,何謂重點:

  • The topic of the conversation or lecture
  • Key points, reasons, and examples
  • Different speakers’ opinions, questions, and reactions
  • Any solutions or suggestions
  • Any decisions made
  • Important terminology and phrases


V. 限制自己準備口說時間



◆ 考前預先習慣準備時間,才不會於正式考試時有措手不及的感覺。

◆ 強化自己聯想的能力,針對托福口說Task 1、2。 e.g. 你喜歡住校?還是住家裡通勤上課呢? (喜歡住家裡,你可以快速想到的好處是”熟悉的環境給予的舒適感”或”節省住宿費”;而喜歡住校則好處是”自由”或”讀書環境好”等等)

◆ 一旦如果覺得自己無論如何都無法在準備的時間內想出回答內容,記得要檢討原因,並且加以改善。(譬如沒有思路,就要時常練習自我提出論證;有想法但是無法及時轉換成英文,就要強迫自己養成英文思考與回應的習慣等等。)











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